Tuesday, November 04, 2008

ah crap me another eugenics conference...I mean environmentalism.

PHILADELPHIA — The biggest issue facing the presidential candidates
should be energy and environmental responsibility, according to
internationally known environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Kennedy, equally well known for his family lineage, got a standing
ovation Saturday even before he began speaking at the Philadelphia
Energy Summit.

He got a Standing O...for being a Kennedy? Well isn't that speeaacial. And then he opened his craw.

The CBS Radio-sponsored event was held to educate people about
sustainable energy at Holy Family University's Northeast Philadelphia

His speech and those of others, including Kathleen McGinty, former
chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, made a
case for moving away from carbon-based fuels as quickly as possible.

"The biggest issue we're facing in the presidential campaign is: How
do we allocate our energy resources?" Kennedy told about 120

No our biggest challenge is securing a supply of energy that we can grow with the ever increasing demand for energy while lowering consumer prices and modernizing the system of delivery.

Environmental responsibility isn't just for the sake of saving a few
trees or animals. It is inextricably tied with enriching the overall
economy, because a truly free market without subsidies for coal and
oil industries would level the playing field, creating enormous job
markets in alternative energy arenas like the burgeoning wind and
solar industries, he said.

The playing field would most definitely NOT be level without subsidies as Wind, Solar and others are currently HEAVILY subsidized even more so than gas, coal, oil et. al. He starts off by stating the obvious...and then connects it with an outright lie. It is brilliant for those that don't pay attention.

"Free market capitalism promotes efficiency and elimination of
waste," Kennedy said.

"[Coal and oil industry] supporters say you have to choose between
the economy and the environment. That is a false choice."

He is both right and wrong...again he is confusing the issue. One cannot plop down wind or solar on the same sized footprint and get the same energy as a coal power plant. Renewable energy sources aren't omnipresent and we've been too stupid to figure it out. The choice for renewables vs other types of energy depends largely on geography and weather patterns. I guarantee that solar power will never...ever supply enough energy in say...a place like Vermont or New Hampshire...but will work in places like New Mexico, Florida, Arizona and others. The reasons are obvious to anyone ...except Mr. Kennedy. PENIS.

Fossil fuel-based energy producers don't spread the wealth, he said.

What? Does he have any idea as to how many jobs producers actually provide? Oh hell look at what all that oil wealth is being used to do in Dubai...BUILDING A MAP OF THE WORLD OUT OF SAND FOR A LUXURY RESORT IN THE OCEAN. I mean nevermind the amount of products that are oil derivatives and oh heck it makes no sense. He's just a demagogue.

Kennedy blamed the Bush administration for giving breaks to coal and
oil companies that pollute ecosystems and literally destroy the face
of the country while getting rich. Several are using illegal means to
strip land of natural resources, he said.

Yeah the rivers smell like a chemical soup and Bush is sitting at the illegal drainage pipe smoking a big cigar and drinking whiskey while sitting on a throne made of little boys. You'd think he was the Marquis DeSade the way Kennedy speaks. Like Strip Mining and Open Pit mining never happened before Bush or had ceased prior to his Administration. GAH!

For example, he said, the explosives used to mine coal in the
Appalachian Mountains are blasting away the mountains. The rubble is
clogging nearby rivers, upsetting the ecosystem of the region.

I don't see any better ideas here for mining coal so that was a useless criticism.

Every American should have access to a national energy grid, he said.
The system should allow households to sell energy they don't use
during the day back to the grid.

"You can make money. Turn every American into an energy
entrepreneur. ... Let everyone access a national marketplace for
electricity," said Kennedy to a round of applause.

Fine...good I like where this is going its solution oriented.

It would cost about $150 billion to reconstruct the national energy
grid and use it to harness America's enormous untapped natural wind
and solar resources, a plan that Kennedy hopes the next president
endorses. It would make our country energy-independent, he said, a
step to reduce dependence on foreign oil.

good idea but chock full of bullshit. It will cost a lot more than $150 billion, most of the energy used to produce such things will be derived from oil or other petroleum based products. On top of that it does NOTHING to make us independent of oil, which represents like 3% of all power generation in the USA. His brain does not comprehend logic..math or anything aside from unicorns and leprechauns because it all is supposed to happen magically. Even if it costs $150 billion...WHERE WILL THAT MONEY COME FROM? WHO WILL PAY FOR IT? It won't be a free fucking market I'll tell you that.

In the first 100 days of the new presidency, the administration
should craft an energy policy that allows the country to regain its
leadership and economic and energy independence, he said.

Kennedy cited countries that are doing well economically after
switching to alternative energy, such as Sweden, Brazil and Iceland.

"Iceland has great financial underpinnings because they de-carbonized
very quickly, [despite the recent effects of the credit crisis
there]," he said.

Iceland is highly volcanic and not a good example for the rest of us that don't live on top of a giant steam producing HOLE.

Listeners said afterward that they were surprised to learn about the
relationships between fossil fuel use and the economy.

"It was a real eye-opener. He brought out a lot of facts people
didn't realize," said Laraine Andrews of Northeast Philadelphia. She
works in the natural gas industry.

Derek Washington, of Philadelphia, attended the summit and Kennedy's
speech to investigate developments in energy technologies, including
the alternative fuel vehicles featured at the event.

"There's a lot of money to be made in the new technologies," he said.

The roughly six-hour summit included other presentations about energy
alternatives, ranging from the latest hybrid auto innovations to a
panel of experts discussing the future of energy.

Kennedy is chief prosecuting attorney for Hudson Riverkeeper, which
protects the Hudson River, and president of Waterkeeper Alliance, an
organization dedicated to preserving the world's waterways, according
to his Web site, www.robertfkennedyjr.com. Time Magazine has named
him one of its "Heroes for the Planet" for his success in
Riverkeeper's fight to restore the Hudson River, which helped produce
more than 130 worldwide Waterkeeper organizations, the site said.

He is a professor and supervising attorney at Pace University School
of Law's Environmental Litigation Clinic and was assistant district
attorney in New York City, according to his Web site. Kennedy was a
political campaign operative for the presidential campaigns of Edward
M. Kennedy in 1980, Al Gore in 2000 and John Kerry in 2004.

They forgot to add that he sniffs Unicorn farts and pixie dust every 4 hours just to maintain the illusion that he knows anything he's talking about.
