Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Paul Krugman is a massive retard

Dear Paul,

In your recent article (linked HERE) you seem to conflate two things that aren't necessarily connected.  That is high tax rates and prosperity/individual income growth.  The taxes weren't being redistributed in the 1950's ->70's.  At least not in the manner we talk about today.

Here are things you fail to mention:

  • US Economic Boom due to rebuilding Europe post WW2
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Interstate Project (new valuable infrastructure making commerce easier)
  • We created NASA and went to the Moon and created many new technological innovations along the way.
  • Computers went from industrial to home/business use
  • US rebuilding Japan and much of south east Asia.
That is just a few matters.  Primarily what you will notice is that we were producing tangible things and large volumes of durable goods and exporting them.  Our trade deficit was a surplus...until 1975 which was the last time the USA had a trade surplus where exports were greater than imports.

Paul.  You're far to glib and people who take you at your word are idiots.  

It is a shame you won't read this.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How YOU doin?

So as the whole Petraeus thing expands I'm going to ignore it at the moment in favor of the Jill Kelley story as socially it seems far more interesting.  The one comment I shall make about Petraeus is that he should have known better, and anything that now comes his way (though a shame) is entirely brought on by his own bad decisions.  That doesn't mean that he didn't do very good things for the US Military or for our security as D/CIA.

Jill...Jill, you're hot and you know it.  Broadwell clearly felt threatened by your behavior in some way.  Which is interesting now that the FBI agent you roped into this investigation is now off the case for being "obsessed" with you.  This is very interesting indeed. You're an 'unpaid social liaison at MacDill AFB.  That title can mean that you run bake sales...or that you sleep with every officer in sight and you get off on the whole guys in uniform thing.

I tend to believe both of those things to be true.  Here's why.  You are married to a doctor who is in high demand for his surgical skills and technique and who must be busy a large portion of the time leaving you free to cavort all over town.  This town HAPPENS to have many single testosterone filled men wearing uniforms and they are quite a bit more physically fit than her husband.

So she's a social butterfly with too much time on her hands and men all around her.  He's working all the time.  Let us see where this train of thought takes us.  She is socially adept so she picks up on body language clues better than most so I'm betting she knows how to manipulate men pretty well.  She may have done nothing but smile suggestively at Petraeus or Gen. Allen (clearly more than smile at Allen), but nonetheless Broadwell (herself a hussy) recognized those games Kelley was playing and got all defensive about HER MAN.  And so the walls they came a tumblin' down.

Jill is the weak link here because she's an attention whore.  That is why she volunteers on a base full of horny, young, physically fit men.  So, Dr. I suggest getting yourself an STD screening about now.   Additionally there is no way that a trained FBI agent suddenly becomes obsessed with Jill Kelley.  No way.  She has obviously set him up for the fall after she was done using him for her own ends.  She's a manipulative sociopath at the least.

The photo above is Jill with her husband, the Doctor.  She is faced away from him in the photo which to me suggests that she's saying..."I'm married to him but not really with him."  Even if she never cheated on her husband she definitely made it seem like she'd be open to the idea with Gen. West, the FBI agent and intimated such things to Broadwell about Petraeus.

Avoid this woman at all costs.  Unless you want to end up in jail for falling into the honeypot.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Election Day 2012

As of 12:50pm EST, I am calling the Election for Barak H. Obama.

The reasons I am calling it for him are:

  • He is the incumbent President.  That alone gives him the edge.
  • He is still relatively popular across the major population zones/major cities
  • Union Backing.
Romney could win, but I agree with most statistics that give him only a 7% chance of winning.

Frankly they are both terrible and the only candidate running that gives a rats ass about your freedom is Gary Johnson on the Libertarian Party.  He isn't insane or authoritarian.  The major parties blacklisted him from the official debates which are now just party debates rather than Presidential Debates.


Friday, November 02, 2012

So who is the dick now?

One thing is funny in politics.  That is the sheer level of apathy for every other human being involved in politics.

Sen. Harry Reid (D- NV) today said that he "couldn't" work with Romney. (link)
Of course for the past few years if not a decade + he has been whining about bi-partisanship (or the lack thereof) on the part of Republicans.  Of course this means that bipartisanship is just another word for forcing the other side to agree with you on major principles (surrender).

Of course saying that there are only two sides to an argument is also a glib statement to begin with, but that is what our current party structures are based on.  You have a choice between a turd sandwich and a giant bottle of douche.  And they like it that way.  Modern political parties have divided us in order to conquer.  The third parties are more niche in their concerns and in reality have a great deal more in common across broad issues than Democrats and Republicans do.  Libertarians as an example would be very happy to cooperate with Greens on foreign policy by and large as both have many anti-war views.

But back to the main topic:

Harry Reid in fact CAN cooperate, but he will choose not to because it works to his party's political advantage to be just as obstructionist as the Republicans have been to them.  There is no reward for cooperation in the party.  You are just consorting with the enemy.  Statesmanship is a description that we reserve for people prior to Henry Kissinger by and large.  Harry Reid is merely the latest in a long line of politicians on every side of the aisle who seeks to gain influence by being the biggest roadblock possible.  This is after all about power...now about what is good for the USA.

Follow the money.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Clown Parade

It is nearing the critical point in election season: October.  Everyone is doing their best to take the opponent down whoever he or she may be.  One of the critical reasons for this is that October is when the lazy part of the electorate start to pay attention...because anything you need to know about the candidates can clearly be learned in the one month before the election...

Many of the politicians appear to be clowns.

President Obama's Interview Schedule:
  • David Letterman - Late Night Comedy
  • The View - Day Time Talk/Wymyn's Issues - Perspective show
I fully expect to see the President let Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmare's into the White House.

Mitt Romney's Schedule:
  • Regis/Kelly (Both the Governor and his wife)
  •  Most other appearances int he Media (Jay Leno etc) Ann Romney only.
  • Constant campaigning in Ohio alongside Paul Ryan.
Of course the media specialists are out in force from their bunkers in non-profit HQ's across K-Street and most major media markets to glibly support the candidate of choice.  The talking points get tiresome and no one appears to be better than any other.  Well...except Gary Johnson.

Gary Johnson's Position on the Issues

For me he is the man.  He is the least glib and the most honest.  What is sad is that people don't take a party other than the DNC/GOP seriously.  Much of that is thanks to state laws that put a high barrier of entry into the political field...especially for the national field.

Might as well have one party for all it matters around here.

goddamned clowns.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Butthurt Effect

The United States of America seems to have lost the set of brass balls it was born with during its revolution.  There was a time when if a set of easily offended people got all butthurt we'd encourage them to get mad.

Example:  Declaration of Independence - The Founding signers knew that they stood the chance to lose everything just based on the signing.  Ethan Allen's property and house were bombarded by a warship from the coast then his house and property were razed and pillaged by the British.  Just for signing.  His wife was in hiding and she died basically of a broken heart.  He was imprisoned on a British warship inside a small wooden box and shipped across the Atlantic...then to Ireland...and then was released as a part of prisoner exchanges at the end of the war.

Today:  Some schmuck makes a video and we The President and Secretary of State go out apologizing for...what a private citizen did in his spare time (and badly).  Yeah.  That is a shift I must say.

We should just shut all consular facilities in these nations and have only embassies in the capitals.  Then  we will tell all nations that we will not apologize for our citizens private actions that are in-line with the law.  If they wish to protest they are of course free to do so as long as they do not resort to violence.   Once that is said...we supply the OR ELSE portion of the speech.

Or Else would feature these points

  • A reprisal will take place in several stages
    • Stage 1) Diplomatic/Economic Sanctions taken Unilaterally
    • Stage 2) Ejection of diplomats from the USA and a closing of embassies
    • Stage 3) Complete trade shutdown (unilateral...other nations can do as they wish)
    • Stage 4) Wait until they squeal and become more conciliatory
    • Iraq/Afghan Special:  For those two nations that have benefited from our investments...no more investments, we simply pack up and leave leave a sign that says thanks for all the fish.
There is no reason to invade or waste our troop's lives in these backwards nations.  We can simply cease doing business with them.  Oil is sold on a world market...we don't need to embargo that at all.  Basically we can remove our presence and stop giving them fodder.  At some point the people will likely overthrow their current governments and what they put in its place may be better or worse (Egypt I'm looking at you).  The reality is that eventually when they are tired of failing they will find a way to create a benevolent form of government.  So far we have simply bankrolled their failures and put an artificial floor so that as bad as things might seem they are actually far worse.  

It is simply tough love.  We don't need to be violent, but we do need to show them that violence will not be tolerated without responding in kind.  At some point they will likely become less butthurt and move out of their fundamentalist phase towards an enlightenment that the west had three hundred years ago.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Critical Failure

This post is in response to Graeme McMillan's post on Time.com about his opinion on why the 'Bourne Leagacy' has no story.

Original Article featured HERE.

For those who haven't seen the movie this post is full of spoilers, so please do not read beyond this point unless you don't otherwise care.

Jeremy Renner plays a U.S. Government Assassin part of a top secret program called "Outcome" which is a progression from "Treadstone" which birthed Jason Bourne.

At the start of the movie Aaron is seen diving into freezing water to retrieve a cannister with a map inside. Clearly he has some sort of amazing metabolism to achieve this and we see him taking some pills...green and blue.

It is later revealed by that character that the green are for physical enhancement and blue are for mental enhancement. He is however running out of meds.

Meanwhile the whole treadstone/blackbriar incidents are being exposed by Bourne and Pamela Landy (Bourne is causing havoc and Landy is testifying before Congress). So connections and call backs are being made.

Multiple characters in the intelligence divisions including edward norton's character are present and have their own struggles to keep things together. They decide to terminate all programs that Landy may know about including Outcome. Various assassins are poisoned by their handlers claiming the new pills are 2 drugs in 1. In the remote alaska wilderness where cross was last seen he arrives at a checkpoint of sorts, submits bloodwork and other things and here is where his story really kicks off.

He seems to have a more independent mind than other agents and he reveals that he was sent here as a punishment for going off grid when no one would answer his questions. He's quite curious and affable but you can sense he is cautious and always observing for others' motives.

He on the second or third day there he steps outside and hears a noise...he tells his compatriot to sit in "the nest" while he scouts out so they aren't both taken by surprise. a cruise missile launched from a CIA/DIA predator drone lands and explodes in the cabin with only Cross left alive. His instincts and training kick in and he outsmarts the pursuers and kills the drone with a well placed rifle shot after shielding the tracker they had implanted in him.

He is able to get the implant out in time and force it in the mouth of an alpha male wolf that has been tracking him (he no longer seems human to them) in time for the second drone to kill the wolf thinking it is Cross.

Now he begins his journey back to the mainland US after absconding with a plane...his objective is to get more meds...especially the mental ones.

Part 2) Steracyn-Morelanta is a biotech pharmaceutical company that produces these drugs and we follow a female scientist in her job for a short bit as she examines people similar to Cross. As she (and others in that lab) are aware of parts of the Outcome program, Edward Norton's move to wipe out all of those involved comes to the lab in the vein of a co-worker that goes "postal" and starts killing everyone in the lab. The doctor manages to stay alive until authorities can break intot he lab and the co-worker kills himself...clearly a product of Outcome himself, but she is rather bewildered.

This story gets into the papers about the work place killings and Cross sees this...recognizes the doctor (who inspected him 5 or 6 times before in their history it is later revealed) and so he makes his way to save her as he knows that the CIA will not give up after just one attack.

After saving her he helps her to assume a new identity and they flee the country (after convincing her to help him due to the nature and result of withdrawal from the chems he's been on) to the Philippines where he can be "viraled out" of being dependent on the drugs...and it turns out he was already viraled out of the physical ones secretly over a year ago. All of these technologies are by the way being researched by the lovely folks at www.darpa.mil

So they get there, negotiate their way past the guards (who know the doctor) and she manages to cobble together something she thinks will work for him. They have been tracked by the CIA now and have to fight their way out and disappear into the crowd.

Meanwhile the B-story continues with Jason Bourne being in the USA now and escaping the feds again and Pamela Landy beginning her testimony. Other refences to Bourne are made in the movie and it is clear that Bourne's insurrection has a sort of underground mythos and inspiration attached to it that motivate Cross.

Also we learn that Aaron Cross is really Kenneth James Kitsom during some flashbacks as he is sick from the virus and coming down from the drug's influences.

Big chase scene with a more advanced assassin program called LAR-X and action doctor shows she's got the chops to stick it out.

Ending stuff: The B-story rolls on with Bourne's stuff perhaps in another movie and we get a clip of Aaron/Ken looking beat-up and not seemingly himself being talked to by none-other than Edward Norton's character behind a camera trying to recruit him for the project. Cross has made up the story about his recruiter fudging his ASFAB/IQ score to get in the Army...it turns out he was from a state home in nevada and the motivation to not go back to that state is much more powerful and we understand his desperation in the movie all the more.

A lot of this also explains Norton's character feeling so familiar with cross and having his flashbacks in the movie.

There is real story, and heart in the film. And at least unlike the previous Bourne films the female love interest has some bearing on the story rather than being the unfortunate individual that the protagonist accidentally meets. Less serendipity and more reason.

There is plenty of story here and room for more expansion in that world including for Bourne and Cross to meet.

The author of the OP probably didn't really sit down and think during the movie...or was too busy sexting.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Spiderman is a pussy

Spiderman...well Peter Parker is a massive pussy. reason 1: He'd rather have his aunt may (who is like 110 years old or something at this point) survive a gunshot attack than his hot red haired super model wife. Yeah cause fuck her right? reason 2: he never EVER finishes a fight. All his old enemies are running around still causing havok and property damage. reason 3: he never learned how to fight properly in hand to hand combat relying mainly on his powers to serve him over technique. reason 4: he's a giant emotional bag of fail

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bad Practices

As I have gotten older I have increasingly distrusted police and the government. Not to the point that I am paranoid or I think anyone is out to get me, but I do think that those with authority have the tendency to abuse it without proper oversight.

So in this post I will be adding links to stories showing or providing evidence of police misusing their powers which are designed to protect us, but instead victimize otherwise law abiding citizens.

December Update





This will be updated




HERE (in the UK)


Wednesday, January 04, 2012

The Real Ron Paul (RON PAUL)

In this political season there are a great number of misconceptions about Congressman Ron Paul. One of the biggest is that no one knows what his foreign policy positions are or that they are somehow inherently dangerous.

So let us deal with his foreign policy positions:

Eliminate Foreign Aid to EVERYBODY: De Facto not dangerous...unless said foreign aid is proping up a torturous banana republic regime whose populous hates us for proping up said regime. Which would likely back fire on us anyway at some point.
Bonus: saves the tax payer money and gives less political ammo by various nationalist lobbying groups from afar. Yes both Israel and Palestine must be weened off of our money.

Reduce US footprint overseas: We have military bases in 63 countries. We can likely stand to close a few and consolidate to save some money and impose less on other nations' sovereignty. Bonus: saves the US tax payer money and feeds less to the military industrial complex. not in and of itself dangerous. This is usually painted as RON PAUL WILL DESTROY THE US MILITARY!!!!

expanded: Ron Paul would like to be rid of a standing army in theory, but even he knows that it isn't practical to do.

On the Diplomatic Front: Iran and Nukes: He understands why Irean is in a rush for nukes. Example: - Pakistan and N. Korea (Best Korea) both have nukes. Do you see the USA invading either country? No you do not. Iran has seen a nation to it's east and west invaded by the USA. If Ran had invaded Canada and Mexico and occupied them...we might want nukes as well if we didn't have em...y'know as a deterrent.

The current power structure wants to prevent Iran from getting nukes so they CAN invade. That is the reality. They will say they don't want turrists to get nukes or Israel to get asploded from afar. however that seems unlikely and more talk than reality even if they do sabre rattle at israel every other day.

The worry about terrorists is real but likely overblown considering Iran's first nuke will not be as sophisticated as what the USA or Russian Federation has in it's own inventory. To top it off the war drums for invading Iran have been beating for over a year at this point and it would surprise no one if we invaded. Obama would likely attempt this.