In this political season there are a great number of misconceptions about Congressman Ron Paul. One of the biggest is that no one knows what his foreign policy positions are or that they are somehow inherently dangerous.
So let us deal with his foreign policy positions:
Eliminate Foreign Aid to EVERYBODY: De Facto not dangerous...unless said foreign aid is proping up a torturous banana republic regime whose populous hates us for proping up said regime. Which would likely back fire on us anyway at some point.
Bonus: saves the tax payer money and gives less political ammo by various nationalist lobbying groups from afar. Yes both Israel and Palestine must be weened off of our money.
Reduce US footprint overseas: We have military bases in 63 countries. We can likely stand to close a few and consolidate to save some money and impose less on other nations' sovereignty. Bonus: saves the US tax payer money and feeds less to the military industrial complex. not in and of itself dangerous. This is usually painted as RON PAUL WILL DESTROY THE US MILITARY!!!!
expanded: Ron Paul would like to be rid of a standing army in theory, but even he knows that it isn't practical to do.
On the Diplomatic Front: Iran and Nukes: He understands why Irean is in a rush for nukes. Example: - Pakistan and N. Korea (Best Korea) both have nukes. Do you see the USA invading either country? No you do not. Iran has seen a nation to it's east and west invaded by the USA. If Ran had invaded Canada and Mexico and occupied them...we might want nukes as well if we didn't have em...y'know as a deterrent.
The current power structure wants to prevent Iran from getting nukes so they CAN invade. That is the reality. They will say they don't want turrists to get nukes or Israel to get asploded from afar. however that seems unlikely and more talk than reality even if they do sabre rattle at israel every other day.
The worry about terrorists is real but likely overblown considering Iran's first nuke will not be as sophisticated as what the USA or Russian Federation has in it's own inventory. To top it off the war drums for invading Iran have been beating for over a year at this point and it would surprise no one if we invaded. Obama would likely attempt this.