So there are two basic things that the Palestinians want.
1) To be an autonomous and recognized state.
1) To be an autonomous and recognized state.
2) some form of territorial integrity
Israel - not a big country - much less wide appears to be dubious about both of those things and not without reason - but lets take this one at a time and I'll explain why 1 & 2 are connected an essentially the same thing.
The PA & Hamas want territorial integrity and control of the movement of their people between The Gaza Strip & The West Bank. You will notice that they are bisected by the state of Israel. Huh. Weird right?
Yeah since #2 is about as likely as Lawrence Krauss suddenly becoming a card carrying member of ISIS and going on the Haj - lets just say that that won't happen.
That means that #1 is impossible. What nation do you know that does't have some form of territorial integrity and is dependent on goodwill just so your people can move from one town to another? LITERALLY NONE.
So what's the solution? Well... Israel has a couple options (none of which it can sell easily).
That means that #1 is impossible. What nation do you know that does't have some form of territorial integrity and is dependent on goodwill just so your people can move from one town to another? LITERALLY NONE.
So what's the solution? Well... Israel has a couple options (none of which it can sell easily).
1) Jordan Annexes the West Bank and Israel gets the Gaza Strip back as all of the palestinians are re-accommodated to The West Bank. - Israel pays Jordan a shitload of money for resettlement costs and some extra because it is already a refugee populated nation.
2) Israel allows the construction of an underground tunnel that allows bike/pedestrian and car/truck traffic to connect The West Bank and Gaza. Problem - zero trust plus probably existing infrastructure issues.
3) Israel absorbs the palestinian territories in a treaty where Israel gives up its status as a Jewish State and goes in for some more egalitarianism. So Nope. It is the best option - that these people at odds can come together and achieve a union wherein there is mutual respect. But they haven't been there for 5,000 years.
4) War. probably not nuclear but holy schnikies.