AHEM! ATTN David Oshinsky your Membership in the Saul Alinsky Club is ready...but here's a point by point refutation (by and large) of your critique of "Liberal Fascism" Anything left out was done so because it was excessive and or so ignorant I chose to ignore it.
"Goldberg is less convincing here because he can’t get a handle on Roosevelt’s admittedly elusive personality. He treats Wilson as a serious thinker, rigidly focused on his goals, but portrays Roosevelt as a classic dilettante, shallow and detached. For Goldberg, even the president’s greatest skill — his ability to communicate with the masses — was negated by his failure to chart a steady course and stick to it. One is left to ponder how the outlines of America’s modern welfare state emerged from such a lazy, superficial mind."
- mistake here is that Goldberg was saying he was shallow in that his ideas were large ideas and even the monetary policy was simplistic/detached from reality. That doesn't negate that he thought about it seriously or was focused rigidly...
Is something missing here? Goldberg races from Wilson to Roosevelt to Kennedy and on to Bill Clinton with barely a glance at what happened in between. The reason is simple: for Goldberg, fascism is strictly a Democratic disease. This allows him to dispose of the politics of the 1920s in a single sentence. “After the Great War,” he writes, “the country slowly regained its sanity.” What Goldberg may not know — or is afraid to tell us — is that the 1920s were anything but sane. This was the decade, after all, that contained the largest state-sponsored social experiment in the nation’s history — Prohibition — and it lasted through three Republican administrations before Franklin Roosevelt ended it in 1933. The 1920s also saw the explosive spread of the Ku Klux Klan in the Republican Midwest, a virtual halt to legal immigration under the repressive National Origins Act and an angry grass-roots backlash against the teaching of evolution in public schools.
ok this will take a while
to point 1) The title of the book answers this and the reviewer is a moron. David did you eve read it? Perhaps you just skimmed.
point 2) Prohibition: passed over a presidential veto; Roosevelt didn't get rid of it on his own, but it was shown to be a failure and the states, congress and Roosevelt got rid of it
point 3) the KKK was largely made up of Democrats and not Republicans. there was no "Republican" mid-west like there is today; Roosevelt's 4 time election proves this, and many of our grandparents are life long democrats despite having little philosophically in common with said party.
The Scopes Monkey Trial...pfff that's just off topic because its got nothing to do with the feds...that's a Godwin. The NOA is just another quota system like the US govt has always had. We have never had "open immigration".
"The Immigration Act of 1924, or Johnson-Reed Act, including the National Origins Act, Asian Exclusion Act, (43 Statutes-at-Large 153) was a United States federal law that limited the number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country to 2% of the number of people from that country who were already living in the United States in 1890, according to the Census of 1890. It excluded immigration to the US of Asians. It superseded the 1921 Emergency Quota Act. The law was aimed at further restricting the Southern and Eastern Europeans who had begun to enter the country in large numbers beginning in the 1890s, as well as East Asians and Asian Indians, who were prohibited from immigrating entirely.
The Act passed with strong congressional support in the wake of intense lobbying. [1] There were only six dissenting votes in the Senate and a handful of opponents in the House, the most vigorous of whom was freshman Brooklyn Representative Emanuel Celler. Over the succeeding four decades, Celler, who served for almost 50 years, made the repeal of the Act into a personal crusade. Some of the law's strongest supporters were influenced by Madison Grant and his 1916 book, The Passing of the Great Race. Grant was a eugenicist and an advocate of the racial hygiene theory.
The act was also strongly supported by Samuel Gompers, well-known union leader and founder of the AFL. Gompers was himself a Jewish immigrant, and uninterested in the accusations by many Jews of the time that the quotas were based purely on anti-Semitism." - Wiki
The NOA as you can see was broadly supported by those who favored Eugeniucs and believed that certain peoples were of a lesser race. The eugienics thing was as we now know...stupid, but it had its appeal based some in racism and some in science...bad blend. And its supporters were unions and socialists who had their own businesses.
"I had entertained the slim hope that Goldberg might consider the “fascist” cult of personality surrounding Reagan’s 1984 “Morning in America” hokum (“Prouder, Stronger, Better”). But, alas, such scrutiny is reserved only for the Clinton presidential campaign of 1992, with its “Riefenstahlesque film of a teenage Bill Clinton shaking hands with President Kennedy.” Indeed, even George W. Bush’s spectacularly staged landing on an aircraft carrier in full battle regalia to declare “mission accomplished” in Iraq escapes notice here. It doesn’t take a village for Goldberg to play the fascist card; a single Democrat will do."
Point 1) Fine...very well but then you can say that about any popular candidate/populist message. Doesn't make it untrue. Fascism creeps in everywhere.
Point 2) GWB landing on the carrier was becuase he WAS A PILOT in the Air Guard in Texas. Full Battle Regalia? WTF it was a regulation flight suit...you don't pilot a fighter jet in a suit and tie.
Point 2a) The mission accomplished banner was for the USS Abraham Lincoln which had the longest deployment of a US Carrier ever and it had in-fact completed its mission for Afghanistan and then for Iraq. The banner was not for the Iraq war as a whole as it had been mistakenly portrayed in the media and by politicians/pundits. Good bit of Propaganda tho on their part. The last senstence is just playing a victim and being a pussy. Call the Whaaaambulance. END
- Justin
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