The Video:
Apparently us white males have been misbehaving - yes we were naughty and elected Trump and dared - yes dared to support police as an institution and to say that we believe in innocent until proven guilty!
So lets Start with the first guy
Ah The Beta Cuck is easing us white males into the propaganda - the useful idiot is himself a white male and probably also a male-feminist in his spare time. (total time in video so far - 2 seconds)
Beta Cuck 2 - still Male - but now (what a relief [sarcasm]) he's not white. Talks about it being nearly 2017 before disappearing for the main act!
Ah here we go - this is the guy who tells us that we can be better white males! He's wearing a cat shirt just for the internet! How savvy! Wanna bet a white male owns that IP? Also notice the friendly feminine pastels - you can feel your testosterone plummeting.
Ah our first rule maker! Well I notice that she is neither white nor male. I'm sensing we've been duped boys! Ah we are supposed to recognize that America was never great for non-whites. I disagree - We must all say "compared to what" and if one were to take the rest of the world...I'd say yup all in all America (at least post-slavery) was far better for blacks and other minorities than even the regions they came from. Hell...your black ancestors were sold by their enemy tribesmen to the white slavers as a way of getting rid of you and taking your stuff. So it was either be killed by other blacks in Africa - or be slaves and alive in America. Hardly excuses slavery - but slavery as a social practice was not something invented by WHITE MALES - rather a customary practice by literally everyone for thousands of years And it was White Males (principally the British) who ended it over vast swathes of the globe - and then the USA caught up - and roughly 700,000 WHITE MALES died for it. You're welcome.
Ah Ugly Betty here thinks we should all just agree that BLM (no not the bureau of land management) isn't racist - just trying to help out poor oppressed black people!
Yes fry em like bacon indeed. about the Dallas Sniper who shot 12 and killed 5 officers...
He was not a BLM member/supporter himself - only because he felt they DIDN'T GO FAR ENOUGH. So what did BLM supporters have to say?
Now - I know what you're gonna say - the MOVEMENT isn't about this...its just a few crazies etc etc etc. Yes well why don't you just try a bit of substitution with the David Duke support for Trump. Is it still just a few crazies? Or is the entire movement racist by virtue of association? I'll let you decide.
Ok back to the video...
The Return of the Cuck
"Blue Lives Matter isn't a thing!" he says with out any justification. Well that's just like...your opinion man... and I'm not sure how it is connected to white males. So I suppose if I am to play out his scenario/opinion that only white males have a respect for the lives of police officers? Well I'm sure that is wrong does show his disconnect with reality.
Return of the Cat Meme Shirt!
More on Blue Lives Matter... "They weren't born with blue skin..."
Well you are correct but your glib disbelief is stupid. The counter-movement to BLM...hilariously also acronym-ed to BLM..isn't actually about skin color but about maybe not calling for the death of cops as people in BLM appear to do. It isn't a Kill Black Men movement - it is a "don't create a dangerous environment for police officers to operate" movement. But we all know - despite protestations by some that it is simply incidental if more cops die...oh not that you're calling for it...but if it happens well they probably got what they deserved right? Ass.
#6 Anti-woke cucks - they are disconnected even with themselves
"Stop saying 'woke'". Well I'm pretty sure its only left leaning meme-lords that are using the term and doesn't specifically apply to white males. Lena Dunham has beeen described this way - though I am more preferential to her self description as a 'waste-oid'.
Return of The Not White Male
"Stop saying woke" - Again...not sure how this is a white male thing specifically or how we can be better by not saying it. You just don't like it. I agree its stupid - but not in a specifically 'white male" sense. I think its stupid because of the presupposition of moral superiority - and yet you make me want to defend it with your even more stupid righteous indignation somehow to white males using it. It boils down to...
#7 - The Young 3rd Wave Feminist - No doubt believes in the patriarchy.
"Learn what man-splaining is and stop doing it" she says with extraordinary know like if she was man-splaining it to you - but without a sense of irony...The disconnect very visible here. Hrm...did I just mansplain her? I don't think so...but you decide.
Getting Cucked Round 3
"Oh and if you're a judge, don't prioritize the well-being of an ivy league athlete over the woman he assaulted" Hrm yes quite. You could do better by being more specific about the incident - but again - this has nothing to do with being a white male (nor does anything prior to this or after it). Judges often have a disconnect themselves and are more lenient with people they can sympathize with on an in-group bias basis - like that is why we have the meme of 'white-collar' crime where fellow professionals like bankers, doctors and police/lawyers get more of the benefit of the doubt and shorter/more lenient sentences. The white isn't about skin color - it is about economic class and social status. You aren't wrong in the specific - but you are wrong in generalizing it to white males. You cuck.
Black Skin = Black Thoughts: Cat Meme Part 3
Beyonce is black so she cares about black issues. Ok...not sure how this has anything to do with white guys. You have at least one white guy in this video who agrees with you...and he's white. Your own argument is false within two seconds of you speaking.
Awkward and arrogant FoxNews call out is also stupid. Nowhere does he provide a basis for it - this is just red meat for the useful idiots.
The Return of #5 - Kanye is now excommunicated
"You guys can have him" - referencing his spoken support and meeting with President-Elect Donald Trump. To her its like he betrayed his blackness by offering his support and having a conversation rather than protesting and burning weave shops.
Hey Kanye - you're not black anymore! You're a bad white male! Also apparently we own him now or he's now a slave or some token black guy rather than someone 'down for the struggle'. Wew lassy!
Cat Meme 4 - Die Hard Edition
" know what you did". I am sensing some butthurt here. Like somehow Kanye is a race traitor or some other leftist "othering" category. You do know you are violating your own supposed principals of inclusiveness by 'othering' Kanye right? No - you don't. You have fallen into the trap of tribalism. If you do know better and I am wrong...that just makes it worse and quite a cynical move. Gee I hope you don't throw out or delete all of his 'genius' music.
#6 Returns to Deliver a Message
"Nobody who has black friends says they have black friends." Do you have black friends? *crickets* Muahahahaha. Most of the time when someone is referencing a black friend or the fact that they associate with them is because some prick like yourself is accusing them of not being aware of or being insensitive to black issues - through lack of association. It seems cliche - but often the question proceeding the statement is meant to insult/undermine the subject's integrity. Maybe you stop assuming that someone doesn't have black friends first? Again - nothing to do with being a white male...more to do with being subject to racial identity politics around every turn.
Cat Meme 5 - Die Harder
"Just because you have black friends doesn't mean you're not racist!" Riiiiiight well it is probably a good sign that you're not - but since we can't prove a negative here...all white males are racist as an assumption to Cat Meme. Also I would think it would be up to those alleged black friends to associate with the hypothetical racist white male. Lets play this one out...Do you Sir Cat Meme associate with white racist males and call them your friends? I'd bet the answer is no.
He looks really worried here for a moment - like the cognitive dissonance is catching up with his mouth.
Ambiguously Brown Male
"Look guys nobody's perfect." Oh how nice of you to admit after the minute long lecture about how badly we white males have been acting! Oh the sweet sweet scent of moral superiority by virtue of not being born as a white male! I say ambiguous brown male becuase I don't know where he's from or his name...could be middle eastern, could be central/south america...could be southern Spain or North Africa...OH THE HUMANITY!
AAAAAND the pullback
"But honestly you guys could do a little better in 2017". Huh well as a general statement that can apply to every individual - but in context it is horrendously demeaning and bigoted. Yes you and all your fellows are bigots. I know...its shocking. Try not to be triggered! Avoid Safe Spaces!
Right after saying that nobody is immediately pull back the slight a yeah but no kinda way. Go fuck yourselves.
3rd Wave Whiplash!
"Some of you guys do a great job!" Gee thanks...right after pulling back the previous consolation you go for another one...let me guess...there's a 'but' here.
"Some of you don't" Huh...well I called it. Disingenuous optimism followed by arrogant pullback. I hope she knows that the patriarchy is watching! Still nothing connected to white maleness - just uncorrelated moaning.
Cat Meme 6 - Memes and Loathing in Las Vegas
"Please 2016 was bad! 2017 can't be worse than this..." Your grasp of hyperbole is noted - the problem is I don't think you see it as hyperbole. The disconnect with reality will be growing like a psychosis.
And the Signoff
Weird...none of the two actual white guys made a resolution to do anything...they just begged the rest to stop doing these things that have nothing to do with white maleness. Huh. This is just a bigoted screed by people who are unwilling to see their own hypocritical views for what they are. If I had sympathy I'd say that it was a sad waste of potential - but I don't. They are old enough to know better. I blame their professors, parents and teachers. You have created little monsters.
And shame on MTV for promoting social justice. It won't win you anything.
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