Monday, June 06, 2022

What about Bob?

 It has been a long time.

In this upcoming election for Governor in CT we, conservatives, libertarians and independents have an opportunity to push back and to do some interesting things.

If Bob Steffanowski can manage to win the election - now that he has a lock on t he primary there are so many things to do and so little time to get them done given how the legislative schedule works and that it is unlikely he'll have control of the legislative agenda.

This means that he has to be cunning in how how approaches the legislature.

Prioritize making CT a more livable state.

That means:

  •     Energy
    • Nuclear
    • Natural Gas
    • Re-Regulation of Utilities (Deregulation has not served the populace as advertised)
      • "Reforming PURA" principally by annihilating it and replacing it with a new organization focused on cheap and abundant power rather than the scam of "Affordable"
  • Housing
    • Dumping affordability for inexpensive & available with redevelopment focused on walkability, promoting single family housing over high density and a rising tide of economic mobility.
    • De-financialize housing
      • End taxation on the sale of primary residences
      • Sunset property tax collection on primary residences for those over 70, disabled veterans and a defined rate reduction for all other veterans (not an assessment modifier)
  • Economics
    • Map out the state based on culture and county.
    • encourage reasonable exploitation of raw resource extraction, heavy industry and finished goods
    • Develop under-used ports like New Haven, Bridgeport & Norwalk
    • Widen I-95 to at least 3 lanes from New Haven all the way to RI including wide breakdown lanes
      • Improve rest area amenities to compete with states like NY
    • End Regionalization Push
      • Make cities responsible and prohibit reaching into other communities tax revenue
      • No more reach-arounds: end municipal aid packages
        • require unsustainable communities to fuse with revenue positive communities. If they cannot be autonomous their failures ought not be subsidized - require plans else go into receivership.
    • Veto all spending bills that do not prioritize debt reduction.
    • Present plan for Debt Reduction to Zero within 8 years even if it means shuttering large portions of the bureaucracy. Show them what it means,
    • Break SEBAC by any means.
      • It was not negotiated in good faith. It cannot be a valid contract.
      • Remove sovereign immunity so politicians can be properly held responsible for violations of the public trust like borrowing from pension funds and not repaying, like playing shell games with the General Fund, like kicking the can down the road on spending issues. That means jail time and prosecutions. Yes that is the only way. No you can't ho hum your way around it. Lots of people have to go to prison for a long time for this debt.
    • Constitutional ban on toll roads & highways

  • 2A 
    • Affirm individual right to keep and bear arms. All of them. Not just the flavor of the month.
    • Make CT a Constitutional Carry State
    • No plea deals for crimes involving firearms
    • Make sure it is clear that the 2A covers knives, swords, nuclear fucking weapons if you can afford them and everything else.
    • Appoint only judges that agree that the 1934 NFA is unconstitutional and become a 2A Sanctuary State
    • Pass laws enhancing citizen arrest, defense and patrolling. Allow neighborhood watches to have armed patrols and arrest powers - let communities fight for themselves since traditional law enforcement has failed to ameliorate the violence endemic in certain urban neighborhoods.
      • The answer is to decentralize as centralization has failed.

  • No Early voting
  • No mail-in voting except for Active/Deployed Military.
    • If you can't be bothered to be here - get fucked.
  • No online voting
  • Go back to paper ballots.
    • The only reason to introduce complexities is to obscure cheating.
    • require yearly purging of voter rolls ahead of any election 
    • Confirm registration status via mail if voting has lapsed, non-response is automatic de-registration within 1 month of the election.
    • No same-day voting with exceptions for errors on part of registrar (failure to process valid registration)
Think about it. Hard.

You can't do it all - but do your enemies have to know that? Overwhelm the with things to oppose - get through anything you can.

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