Monday, February 02, 2009

Really Mr Krugman?

As seen HERE Paul Krugman continues to fellate Barak H. Obama. Why "temporary government spending increases are good". See what he FAILS to see is that this isn't temporary...this is continuing the never stopping increases in government spending...and we aren't talking about just keeping up with inflation or repairing a single bridge or stretch of highway.

Government spending since the inception of the income tax in 1913 has never decreased. Any time there has been a shortfall of revenue from TAX RECEIPTS the government has gone out and BORROWED MONEY from PRIVATE BANKS AND SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUNDS in addition to issuing treasury bonds.

Now one of the chief criticisms leveled at former President George W. Bush was that he exploded federal deficit spending. You can read all about that HERE and that is by Paul Krugman as well. President Obama has not stated how this will be paid for...not it won't stimulate teh ecoomy to 1.14 trillion in additional tax revenue much less GDP as all it does is redistribute wealth and give away money for sex education programs and union payoff's a la the Davis-Bacon provision in Obama's Huge and Stimulating Package. You can read details of it HERE.

This stimulus plan is not a one time thing. Obama has already said he wants to spend much more of taxpayers money on government projects including socialized healthcare.

Paul Krugman believes whatever is appropriate for the time and has no real core values or beliefs. He is a classic Progressive/Fascist because he believes that government should do everything just because he thinks it can. He would call himself a pragmatist, but that is just salesmanship. It is a line that is the same as "its for the children" or some other emotionally appealing line of argumentation that doesn't hold up to fiscal scrutiny much less consistency internally.

The "Because Milton Friedman Says It, Then It Must Be True Because I Usually Disagree With Him, And I Agree With Him Because it is My Candidate that Won and I am A Hack Journalist."

Go pound sand Mr. Krugman.

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