Friday, September 28, 2012

Clown Parade

It is nearing the critical point in election season: October.  Everyone is doing their best to take the opponent down whoever he or she may be.  One of the critical reasons for this is that October is when the lazy part of the electorate start to pay attention...because anything you need to know about the candidates can clearly be learned in the one month before the election...

Many of the politicians appear to be clowns.

President Obama's Interview Schedule:
  • David Letterman - Late Night Comedy
  • The View - Day Time Talk/Wymyn's Issues - Perspective show
I fully expect to see the President let Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmare's into the White House.

Mitt Romney's Schedule:
  • Regis/Kelly (Both the Governor and his wife)
  •  Most other appearances int he Media (Jay Leno etc) Ann Romney only.
  • Constant campaigning in Ohio alongside Paul Ryan.
Of course the media specialists are out in force from their bunkers in non-profit HQ's across K-Street and most major media markets to glibly support the candidate of choice.  The talking points get tiresome and no one appears to be better than any other.  Well...except Gary Johnson.

Gary Johnson's Position on the Issues

For me he is the man.  He is the least glib and the most honest.  What is sad is that people don't take a party other than the DNC/GOP seriously.  Much of that is thanks to state laws that put a high barrier of entry into the political field...especially for the national field.

Might as well have one party for all it matters around here.

goddamned clowns.

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